Apr 11
4:00 PM
Apr 11
6:00 PM

BMF - A Flexible and High-Performance Multimedia Framework Workshop

Thursday, April 11th @ 4pm PT

In today's multimedia landscape, achieving high performance and flexibility is crucial. But with evolving technologies and complex workflows, developers often face challenges. Enter BMF (Babit Multimedia Framework)—the solution revolutionizing multimedia development.

Join us for this virtual workshop where you'll:

  • Unlock BMF's Potential: Explore how BMF achieves high performance with efficient development cycles and overcomes deployment challenges.
  • BMF and GPU Integration: Delve into the benefits of BMF and GPU collaboration for enhancing generative AI workloads.
  • Practical Applications of BMF: Learn how BMF facilitates prototyping AIGC features and deploying GPU-optimized products.

Gain insights from industry experts at ByteDance/TikTok, network with peers, and shape the future of multimedia development. 

RSVP now for this free event!